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<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/21701f41-ff87-4ab5-8a0f-b420f3f27c80/greenpill-logo.svg" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/21701f41-ff87-4ab5-8a0f-b420f3f27c80/greenpill-logo.svg" width="40px" /> Uncommons is a researcher garden for decentralized thought and techno-social philosophies. Uncommons 是一个去中心化思潮及技术社哲的研究者花园。其前身为 GreenPill 中文社区,区块链世界内一隅公共空间,公共物品建设者在此碰撞加密人文思想。


GreenPill 中文社区是一群受 GreenPill 思想影响的 Web3 爱好者、社会建设者、未来梦想家和互联网公民自发组织的社区。关注主题围绕区块链、加密经济学、社会学理论、博弈论等多个方向。我们旨在建立探索公共物品治理的跨组织协作架构,践行GreenPill可再生经济学,改进协调失灵。Make it happen!

GreenPill_CN is a group of Web3 enthusiasts, society builders and digital citizens who are influenced and inspired by GreenPill's ideas. We aim to establish a cross-organizational collaboration structure to explore public goods governance, build bridges between DAOs, discuss cutting-edge concepts, spread and practice regenerated economics, solve coordination failures, and reshape a healthy decentralized society. Make it happen!






首先由核心贡献者Carol, Lauran翻译,吸引来一批志同道合的小伙伴,Get Greenpilled Together!后续开展多场线上或线下研读会、共读会,一起建立起GreenPill中文社区。

书籍简介: Greenpilled是一本关于加密向善的Web3科普教育读物,主要包含了区块链、加密经济学、社会学理论、博弈论等思想。本书旨在向未来的梦想家、建设者和互联网公民传授“再生加密经济学”精神,号召碳中和及使用清洁能源、建设新型协调机制、资助公共物品等。作者倡导运用再生加密经济学开拓人类的发展空间、建设更加美好的世界。

Starting with education,Greenpilled is designed to teach the ethos & game theoretic concepbehind regenerative cryptoeconomics to the next generation of dreamers, builders, and internetcitizens.From carbon-neutral blockchain networks to global decentralized networks to build &fund public goods, pursuing regenerative cryptoeconomics creates high upside for humanity.The author advocates the use of regenerative crypto economics to open up human development space and build a better world.




ImpactDAOs是指任何使用加密工具为世界创造正外部性的web3项目。这本书旨在绘制一张覆盖Impact DAOs和它们之间关系的地图。今天,世界上有几十个成功的Impact DAOs,也有几百个尚不成熟的案例。本书阐述了它们的价值主张和技术,并提供了一张地图来帮助从事再生加密工作的web3生态系统成员找到彼此。

如果说《绿色药丸(Greenpilled)》这本书是理论基础,这本书则可以作为它的补充——这本书是关于行动的。没有行动的理论是无能的。没有理论的行动是迷失的。但理论和行动合在一起,就为 web3 再造世界的进程提供了一个强有力的谢林点(schelling point)。我们邀请您了解ImpactDAOs的世界,这是一个新兴的、再生的、对等的、多元文明规模的基础设施的基本原子构件,用于资助公共品(public Goods)。

ImpactDAOs are any web3 project that is using crypto to create positives externalities for the world. This book is a cartography projects, designed to map these ImpactDAOs & the territory between them. There are dozens of examples of successful ImpactDAOs in the world today, and hundreds more inchoate ImpactDAOs. We articulate their value propositions, techniques, and provide a map to help members of the web3 ecosystem who are working on regenerative crypto to find each other.

If the GreenPilled book is theory, this book is its complement - this book is about action. Theory without action is impotence. Action without theory is directionless. But together, theory and action precent a powerful schelling point for web3 regenerating the world. We invite you to learn about the world of ImpactDAOs, the foundational atomic building block of an emergent, regenerative, peer to peer, pluralistic civilizational scale infrastructure for funding public goods.


